Sugeng Rawuh Poro Tamu dumugi ing situs ipun mas Puthut Wibowo.....ampun di isin isin njihh,amargi niki taseh ajaran

Tweet Humor Ala @RAdityaDika

"What's a sundel bolong?"
"A lady ghost who doesn't have a stomach."
"Oh my, poor thing.." "..."

"What's a gonderuwo?"
"A big, black ghost, with curly hair."
"Like overweight reggae singer?"
"Yes, but gonderuwo doesn't sing."

"What's a tuyul?"
"A bald kid, only wearing boxers -almost naked, who steals money."
"Probably to buy some clothes..?"

"What's a pocong?"
"A ghost who looks like a jumping candy." "..."

"What's a suster ngesot?"
"A ghost nurse who slides. Like a beggar."
"A sliding nurse?"
"Yes." "..."

"What's a kuntilanak?"
"A lady ghost who likes to laugh."
"Ah, a happy ghost.." "..."

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